Finding a unique gift that will delight someone can sometimes cause too much strain on your brain. You ask yourself: What don’t they have already? What would send the right message? What will fit my budget? (If that’s not a question on your list, then maybe you should run for office.) Once in a blue moon, you come up with something that makes you feel brilliant and at other times, you’re just glad you got something wrapped at all. It’s no wonder the holidays have a bit of stress that comes along for the ride. Well, that’s just not in the spirit of how we roll in the Northwoods. This is a place to get away from it all and feel great. So why don’t you let us ride in on a white horse and tame your tension? A great and unique gift idea is…a trail camera!
A trail cam used to be something only a serious hunter would utilize. Now you see even casual outdoor enthusiasts using them. It’s a great way to enjoy some special wildlife moments, which is a fun activity for all ages and a good way to have a shared family experience. You don’t have to have a “trail” to use one either. Woodland animals are not shy about using all of the square footage that Mother Nature provides them. Just put one up in your driveway.
One of the fringe benefits, we’ve come to find out, is they can act as a makeshift security camera. I once had a client who would arrive at the cabin each weekend, only to find an empty beer can perched in the planter near the front door. After he installed a trail cam, he discovered it was a calling card from a good buddy who had an “uncanny” sense of humor.
And wait there’s more! They’re not terribly expensive! Our work here is done. Ho, Ho, Ho! – Wanda Boldon