Blanket of Sun.

  You know it’s August when the fields of sunflowers are in full bloom, illuminating the world as you pass. There are a couple of fields of these beauties in the area and I never tire of them. Every year, I find myself slowing down and taking a deep breath as I pass this golden …

Well, Well, Well

 Our weekly Property Tour offers an opportunity to discuss aspects of our new listings that may raise red flags with buyers or lenders. The new lending environment that we are faced with is less forgiving than ever before, so we like to know if we have hurdles to clear before we get to a crisis …

Picture Perfect

So far July has proven to be absolutely gorgeous here! It’s been ideal and I know there are so many people who are reveling in the perfect weather. We shouldn’t curse the rains of June however. We desperately needed that moisture! Because of it, we’ve noticed that there is a proliferation of everything. The ditches …

Support the Fort.

Fort Folle Avoine did a fabulous job last night. Their annual dinner was a classic! The late afternoon sun was so perfect in this rustic historic setting and the appetizers and wine tasting on the patio protected by canvas canopies made it even more romantic. Dinner in the great hall was a multi-course delight served …

Baby Bandits

The lookout tower These two little guys showed up at my friend Jim’s house this week. He kept seeing them in different locations around his property throughout the day, but mama was nowhere in sight. He worried that they were on their own and contemplated feeding them, as he has a kind heart for living …

Rain Event.

Northwestern Wisconsin is currently in a severe drought zone and one quick look at the environment will tell you all you need to know. Lake levels are low, so low that some lakes have exposed lake bed at the “shoreline”. Worse yet is the fact that some lakeshore owners are unable to dock their boats at …