A brown box arrived in the mail this week. We weren’t expecting anything, but it didn’t seem unusual. From time-to-time, packages arrive and then our memory is sparked with what’s inside. But sometimes our memory isn’t sparked. Whatever. That’s when you just open the darned thing and find out. (Perhaps sing a little tune while opening. “Happy Birthday” comes to mind.)
After we opened the box, we were silent. Could it be? Thirty? Years? Well, it certainly said so on the piece of fancy hardware that we pulled out of the box! It must be true.
So there, we’ve said it – WE’RE THIRTY YEARS OLD! Well, ahem – not me. But the firm is thirty years old. It feels kind of good to say out loud, like when a three year old announces to you that they’re three. It feels that kind of good!
A lot of things got their start in 1988, like Nike’s “Just Do It” campaign and “The Wonder Years” television show. We’re the same age as British singer/songwriter Adele and we were all singing (or plugging our ears) to Bobby McFerrin’s song “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” thirty years ago.
A lot of great things have happened at CENTURY 21 Sand County Services over the last 30 years. Perhaps the greatest things we can cite are the thousands of interactions we’ve had with people to help them transition to the next stage, whether it be to sell a property or to buy one and become a part of our special life here. And so, we will keep asking ourselves the question and keep asking our clients the question, “Are We There Yet?” and look forward to opening another mystery box even farther down the line. ~ Wanda Boldon